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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Club Video Footage: Andre Bertel Sensei (Between the years of 2000 & 2003)

Andre Bertel Sensei (6th Dan) was our national chief instructor until he returned to Japan to live early in 2007, at which time he handed over the club to me. Currently he is back living here in Christchurch, but regardless of his former position, he comes to the club as a member and technical supporter, and never fails to call me "Sensei" in the dojo. This really displays his karate spirit, and for those who know him well, it is typical of Andre Sensei. Saying that training has always been his priority is an understatement. The positions he has held have always been bestowed upon him, directly from Syuseki Shihan Tetsuhiko Asai, he never sought power by means of politics, the positions came from his intense training. His attitude now is reflective of that spirit, and has never changed since I've known him. OSS!
Lyall Stone