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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Christchurch Shotokan Karate Club Class Schedule

The Christchurch Shotokan Karate Club has several types of classes available. These are as follows:
General ClassesThese are open for anyone who joins, from complete beginner right through to senior dan grades. These classes cover the foundational techniques of karate-do with focus on ichigeki-hissatsu (training to achieve "a single finishing blow").

CPIT (Christchurch Polytech Institute of Technology) Gymnasium (Dojo-Room), Central Christchurch-City, New Zealand.

BEGINNERS: 6-7pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays excluding public holidays.

Call Lyall Stone Sensei to book a trial lesson or to come and observe a class (you need to do this to be let through the gym security door). Phone: (021) 204-2373.

Advanced Classes
These are available for members (and special guests via direct contact with Andre Sensei) only and include senior grade, black belt and instructor training sessions.